There are many blessings in becoming a member church of FaithWorks. Our member congregations come from all over Arizona, and even nationwide from as far away as Florida. The benefits to FaithWorks membership includes:
- You will demonstrate to others Christians (and unbelievers as well) that the true church is “one Body” (Eph.4:4) – not a factious, fighting group, splintered and ineffective as the world sometimes sees us.
- You will get to know and appreciate other Christian believers of other denominations who are also committed to missions.
- You will be joining a group specializing in taking the Gospel into the world in an effective, practical manner.
- We find and discover real needs.
- We determine feasibility and discern validity.
- We consult with and prepare those to receive our mission help.
- We mount prayer support from all our churches.
- We lead and execute the trip/project keeping focus on the mission.
- We provide trip insurance for each person on the mission.
- We follow up by evaluation, presentation, and celebration.
- In short, we put it together for those who want to go!
- We will guarantee that your mission trip participants will grow
spiritually! “Tis more blessed to give than receive”
Member churches have the right to submit nominations from their church membership to serve on the Board of Directors, thus influencing future decisions.
You have full access to the Executive Director’s consultation and assistance should you want to put together a mission trip/project of your own from your church.
You will have the opportunity to contribute to yet another Christian cause in the world community.
- You will be fulfilling the Great Commission through utilizing another avenue of mission outreach into the world, making a Christian difference.
Would you like more information about FaithWorks and the benefits of Membership, please contact us.
If you know your congregation is ready, download a membership form.