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  1. Is FaithWorks a non-profit organization?
  2. Are you associated with a particular denomination?
  3. How are FaithWorks Board Members chosen?
  4. How long a term does a board member serve?
  5. How long has FaithWorks been in existence?
  6. Does FaithWorks have any other offices, other than in Flagstaff, Arizona?

Financial Stewardship

  1. If I reserve a spot on a mission team and then cannot go, will I lose my deposit?
  2. Are there any staff on salary with FaithWorks?
  3. How are mission trips funded?
  4. How can I support FaithWorks?
  5. How do I contribute to FaithWorks or pay for a mission trip?
  6. Do board members get paid?
  7. Are there any scholarships available for those who might not be able to pay the whole amount for a trip themselves?
  8. Are there fees that member churches pay?
  9. Does FaithWorks need financial contributions from donors to pay for its operating expenses?
  10. Can I assign my estate or endowment fund to FaithWorks?
  11. Are my contributions to FaithWorks tax deductible?
  12. How expensive are mission trips?
  13. How are you funded or supported financially?


  1. How old do I have to be to participate in a mission trip?
  2. Can I participate if I don't live in or near Arizona?
  3. Can I participate if I'm physically handicapped?
  4. Can I participate in a construction project if I'm not skilled?
  5. Do I have to be a particular denomination to go on a mission trip?
  6. Do I have to be a Christian to participate in a mission trip?
  7. Can someone participate on a medical mission trip who doesn't have medical experience or expertise?
  8. Do you need to know a foreign language to participate on some mission trips?
  9. Can I participate on a mission trip if I can't stay the whole time?
  10. How do I know if I/we qualify as a project that FaithWorks would be able to help?

Mission Trips

  1. What kinds of children's ministry do you do?
  2. What happens if I'm injured on a mission trip?
  3. How far ahead do I have to reserve a spot on a mission team?
  4. What are the living conditions for the teams on mission trips? Are they very primitive?
  5. Are there ever any mission teams that work in or near Flagstaff?
  6. How do I find out about upcoming mission trips?
  7. What do I have to do to reserve a space on a mission trip?

Church Membership

  1. If our church becomes a member, do we participate in any of the decisions that are made? If so, in what way?
  2. What commitments to FaithWorks does a member church have besides paying the yearly fee?
  3. Where do I find a list of member churches?
  4. How do we apply to be a member church?


1. Is FaithWorks a non-profit organization?
Yes. It is a 501(c)(3) organization under the rules of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. It is incorporated as a non-profit in the State of Arizona. As a result, all gifts are tax deductible . - back to top -

2. Are you associated with a particular denomination?
No, this is, at its core, a trans-denominational ministry. The Executive Director is employed by a Board of Directors. You can see when you read the list of Member Churches, and the names of Board Members, how broadly cross-denominational we are. - back to top -

3. How are FaithWorks Board Members chosen?
When a seat on the Board of Directors becomes vacant, one or more of the member churches not yet represented on the board is asked to nominate someone from that congregation. The sitting board members vote for the new board member from among the nominees. - back to top -

4. How long a term does a board member serve?
For three years. Of course, as with all boards, should a person not be able to serve that long, it is possible to resign from the board, in which case a new member is elected to fulfill the unexpired term. - back to top -

5. How long has FaithWorks been in existence?
It was founded in June, 2000. - back to top -

6. Does FaithWorks have any other offices, other than in Flagstaff, Arizona?
Yes, it was founded by several Flagstaff, Arizona churches. It has an office at Woodlands Village Self Storage at 1501 W. Forest Meadows St., Flagstaff, Arizona and a satellite office in Camp Verde, Arizona. - back to top -

Financial Stewardship

1. If I reserve a spot on a mission team and then cannot go, will I lose my deposit?
The Executive Director and the Board of Directors will handle these situations on an individual basis. Every consideration of the circumstances will be made. - back to top -

2. Are there any staff on salary with FaithWorks?
We usually have 1 full-time employee (Glen) and 3 part-time employees. Jan Allen is the Trip Coordinator, Kelly Campbell is the Office Manager and Shanna Perry is the Treasurer. 2018 is a year of leadership transition so there are currently 2 additional paid staff, Tony and Amy Casali, as they train with Glen and Jan. - back to top -

3. How are mission trips funded?
As a matter of policy, FaithWorks does not provide for the cost of materials at a mission trip site. Each host is generally responsible for such materials. (however, FaithWorks does bring a great deal of equipment and supplies necessary for a successful mission!. Details in this regard are carefully spelled out as each trip is planned.) The mission team members themselves pay for their transportation, insurance, meals and lodging. Since our beginning in June, 2000 we have contributed over $1,800,000 in free, donated labor, materials, and medicines. - back to top -

4. How can I support FaithWorks?
You can make a one-time personal donation or you can make a pledge. If your church is not a member congregation of FaithWorks, you can propose membership to your church. You can volunteer to lead or to help sponsor an annual fund raiser for FaithWorks. - back to top -

5. How do I contribute to FaithWorks or pay for a mission trip?
You can register for trips or submit a pledge of support by filling out, printing and mailing the forms provided on these web pages. You'll need to mail the forms and your check to the address listed on the Contact Page.

6. Do board members get paid?
No. Each serves voluntarily. - back to top -

7. Are there any scholarships available for those who might not be able to pay the whole amount for a trip themselves?
Possibly. Because of the way FaithWorks operates, each trip pays for itself. But if you want to participate and cannot afford the trip fee, give the Executive Director a call to discuss the possibility of a scholarship. - back to top -

8. Are there fees that member churches pay?
Yes, the financial support of Member Churches is very important to us. The annual membership fee is determined by the size of the congregation, varying from $50.00 for the smaller churches to $125.00 for the largest churches. - back to top -

9. Does FaithWorks need financial contributions from donors to pay for its operating expenses?
Yes! We're very grateful for many generous monthly donors who contribute to our regular support. Each contribution is tax deductible. - back to top -

10. Can I assign my estate or endowment fund to FaithWorks?
There are a number of planned giving options you could consider. Speak to your accountant about which option fits your situation best and then give Glen Allen a call. - back to top -

11. Are my contributions to FaithWorks tax deductible?
Yes. We are an IRS 501(c )(3) non-profit organization. - back to top -

12. How expensive are mission trips?
Volunteers actually pay for the privilege of their service so that each trip pays for itself. Costs vary from trip to trip. Because the primary cost is transportation, trips to far-away places, by necessity, cost more. Costs also vary depending on housing arrangements, but housing is always arranged as frugally as possible. Each participant also pays for on-the-job insurance, a very small portion of any trip. - back to top -

13. How are you funded or supported financially?
We are entirely dependent on the support of our member churches and the fund raisers they sponsor, on many generous individual donors, and on the contributions of mission team members who pay their own costs. - back to top -


1. How old do I have to be to participate in a mission trip?
It varies with the trip destination. Children and youth are encouraged to come with their parents on local one-day trips or week-end trips. - back to top -

2. Can I participate if I don't live in or near Arizona?
You certainly can. You would be responsible for travel to the site or to the point of departure in order to meet up with the team. We have medical and professional volunteers from all over the USA. - back to top -

3. Can I participate if I'm physically handicapped?
This will depend on the nature of your disability and the tasks being performed on the trip. Give Glen Allen a call to discuss how your gifts can be used. We have included many persons with disabilities in creative ways.   - back to top -

4. Can I participate in a construction project if I'm not skilled?
There are usually tasks to be accomplished at each site which do not require construction skills. When you fill out the application form you will have an opportunity to indicate that you do not have these skills. Your application will be processed in light of the tasks to be accomplished. - back to top -

5. Do I have to be a particular denomination to go on a mission trip?
Definitely not. FaithWorks is a wider Christian community effort. As a matter of fact, one of the things that makes our trips so rich for participants is the diversity of denominational expression! It is not unusual to have five or more denominations represented on one mission.   - back to top -

6. Do I have to be a Christian to participate in a mission trip?
No. However, FAITHWORKS is openly Christian in purpose, goal, and behavior. We minister in the name of Jesus Christ and we worship together daily. Be sure to read FaithWorks Goals and Core Values and the FAQ about FaithWorks Mission Trips. Would you like to taste and see the joy Christians share when they work together? Then give Glen Allen a call to discuss your interest with him. - back to top -

7. Can someone participate on a medical mission trip who doesn't have medical experience or expertise?
Yes. There are a few "lay" tasks to be accomplished on each medical mission trip. These tasks include assisting patients through the process, translating, and serving as trip photographer. When you register, you will have an opportunity to indicate the skill you can contribute.   - back to top -

8. Do you need to know a foreign language to participate on some mission trips?
Not necessarily. We recruit translators for trips to non-English speaking locales. If you are bilingual -- especially English/Spanish or English/Navajo, be sure to indicate that when you register. - back to top -

9. Can I participate on a mission trip if I can't stay the whole time?
This will vary from trip to trip. Generally, we like for team members to commit to the full trip. When we fly to distant locations it is logistically impossible for you to be a "part-timer." But we do have some projects closer to home where part-time participation might be possible. - back to top -

10. How do I know if I/we qualify as a project that FaithWorks would be able to help?
Contact FaithWorks to discuss the possibility of being scheduled for a future mission trip. Do keep in mind that projects are scheduled many months in advance. We have helpful criteria for making these decisions. - back to top -

Mission Trips

1. What kinds of children's ministry do you do?
We conduct children's ministry in conjunction with a construction trip or medical mission. A portion of the team spends its time leading a Vacation Bible School or other types of ministry. At other times, the entire mission is dedicated to the ministry of children or orphans such as the case with our ministry to Orphanage #105 in Moscow, Russia. - back to top -

2. What happens if I'm injured on a mission trip?
Insurance is available to assist and provide the care and transportation needed. - back to top -

3. How far ahead do I have to reserve a spot on a mission team?
This depends on the trip. Some fill very quickly while others take longer. You should register as early as possible so you don't lose your chance. This is especially important when international airline tickets are involved for the team's travel. Pay close attention when a registration deadline is stated. These have to be respected. - back to top -

4. What are the living conditions for the teams on mission trips? Are they very primitive?
This also varies widely from trip to trip. At one we may stay in a camp cabin or tent; at another we might bed down on a church floor; at still another we will be invited into homes. Read the information about the trip you are interested in very carefully. If you are still uncertain about what you are getting into, contact Glen Allen to discuss your concerns. - back to top -

5. Are there ever any mission teams that work in or near Flagstaff?
Yes, often. You don't have to go far from home to be of help. Many opportunities for mission service are found on the Navajo, Hopi and Apache reservations nearby. - back to top -

6. How do I find out about upcoming mission trips?
If you attend a church that is a FaithWorks member, you should be able to readily access brochures about upcoming trips. Ask your pastor or missions chairperson. Or you can check back to this website on a regular basis. - back to top -

7. What do I have to do to reserve a space on a mission trip?
You can find registration forms right here, online, or fill out the registration form which is included in each trip brochure. A deposit is generally required to reserve your space. Return both ASAP. First come. First served. - back to top -

Church Membership

1. If our church becomes a member, do we participate in any of the decisions that are made?If so, in what way?
Member congregations have the opportunity, when a seat on the board becomes vacant, to nominate someone for the board. Further, all board meetings are open. Though you would not have vote at a meeting, your voice would be heard and your ideas would be considered. - back to top -

2. What commitments to FaithWorks does a member church have besides paying the yearly fee?
Member churches commit to promoting FaithWorks mission trips and to keeping FaithWorks and its work in prayer. Further, member churches commit to some kind of ongoing financial support of FaithWorks. For some this takes the form of a monthly or semi-annual contribution. Others pledge to have at least one annual fund raiser for the work of FaithWorks. - back to top -

3. Where do I find a list of member churches?
All member churches are published on this website. - back to top -

4. How do we apply to be a member church?
There is also a Church Membership Application on Joining FaithWorks and the Benefits of Membership. If you have any questions, contact us about your interest. - back to top -


Frequently Asked Questions